ondevice device

Manage the properties of your devices:

$ ondevice help device

ondevice device  props
ondevice device  set [key1=val1 ...]
ondevice device  rm [key1 key2 ...]

This command allows you to change all your devices' properties.
It requires a client key with the 'manage' authorization.

Properties can be used to keep track of your devices, to manage their characteristics,
keep tracks of running maintenance scripts, etc.

- ondevice device  props
  lists that device's properties, one per line, as 'key=value' pairs
- ondevice device  set [key=val...]
  sets one or more device properties, again as 'key=value' pairs
- ondevice device  rm [key ...]
  removes one or more device properties by name

Each of the invocations will print the resulting property list.

  $ ondevice device q5dkpm props
  $ ondevice device q5dkpm set test=1234 foo=bar
  $ ondevice device q5dkpm rm foo